Note: AI paraphrasing detection is currently in beta. The final product experience may differ from what is described here.
GPTZero can detect AI written texts that have been altered using certain AI-paraphrasing techniques, including AI “bypasser” tools.
Our detector leverages advanced machine learning techniques to accurately separate AI-paraphrased text from purely AI-generated content or human written content.
To detect AI paraphrasing, simply press the “Scan” button on our dashboard with the text that needs to be analyzed. If we detect presence of AI-paraphrased text with a medium or high confidence score, we flag the content as “possible AI paraphrasing detected” in our Quick AI scan results page.
In our beta phase, our solution can successfully detect AI paraphrased text generated from certain popular AI tools with a false positive rate of less than 0.1%. We aim to continuously improve our model to enhance its coverage to all the prevalent AI bypasser tools in the market.
Disclaimer: While our detection system is robust, it is not infallible. We strongly encourage users to adopt our AI authorship tools such as our Docs editor and Origin Chrome extension to transparently verify work.