- What is GPTZero?
- When should I use GPTZero?
- How can I create a team subscription?
- How does your AI detection model work?
- How do I use GPTZero?
- How do I interpret results from GPTZero's Advanced Sentence Scanning?
- How does GPTZero detect AI paraphrasing and AI bypassers?
- How do I interpret GPTZero's new UI (since January 17, 2024) with confidence scores and mixed results?
- Why does the AI probability look different on GPTZero starting December 29, 2023?
- Does GPTZero only detect ChatGPT outputs?
- Why use GPTZero over other detection models?
- What data did you train your model on?
- What are the limitations of GPTZero's AI classifier?
- How do I interpret burstiness or perplexity?
- What is the difference between the free and paid for plans?
- What is the best way to keep updated with GPTZero?
- My text has a a moderate likelihood of being written by AI, but I do not see any yellow highlights on the text?
- How can I cite GPTZero in my work?
- Do I retain ownership of the work after passing it through GPTZero?
- How do I set up single-sign on?